Monday, January 22, 2007

DiagnosisPro 5.0

DiagnosisPro 5.0 is the most comprehensive, reliable and easy-to-use diagnostic tool available today. With this program's powerful search engine, healthcare professionals can quickly generate a differential diagnosis from practically anywhere: in the office, at home, at the hospital, or even while on the run with the help of handheld devices like Pocket PCs. By simply entering one or more findings or conditions, DiagnosisPro instantly generates a hierarchical list of diagnoses from its database of over 11,000 diseases, 30,000 findings, and 300,000 relationships. To explore a medical diagnosis further, you can utilize the valuable Disease Review and Disease Comparison features of DiagnosisPro. DiagnosisPro can easily be installed on multiple platforms: * On Windows (desktops and laptops) * On Pocket PC handheld devices * Online from any computer with an Internet connection * On a Palm (currently under development) All diagnostic results can be saved, printed, or E-mailed to a colleague. Utilizing Web Services, the program can be integrated with medical applications such as electronic medical records (EMRs) as well as billing and charting software. DiagnosisPro is not intended to make the final diagnosis for a medical practitioner; nothing can replace a physician's expertise and experience. However, a medical doctor is expected to not only know the answers to every medical situation learned way back in medical school, but also to be aware of the most recent developments and advancements. DiagnosisPro is simply a powerful reference tool that was designed to quickly remind busy medical practitioners of all of the possibilities and conditions which they might have forgotten or overlooked -- especially in complicated or rare cases that fall outside of their specialties. You can rely on DiagnosisPro because its data is updated regularly. Its database has been compiled by reputable physicians over the past 30 years from more than 90 prestigious medical resources, including Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, Stein Internal Medicine, Cecil Textbook of Medicine, Oxford Textbook of Medicine, The Merck Manual, The New England Journal of Medicine, JAMA, The Lancet, and many more.


Fast Mirror

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