Thursday, January 25, 2007

RegistryBot v4.2


If you’re looking for cutting-edge technology that will speed up your computer with a thorough analysis and repair of your registry for good, look no further.

Is your computer running at a snail’s pace? Does it take forever to start and then once it finally gets going, does it crash unexpectedly for no apparent reason? You need RegistryBot!

Enjoy a computer that works the way it’s supposed to!
It’s not a question of whether or not your registry needs repair – it’s a question of exactly how much repair it needs.

Lucky for you, RegistryBot uses SmartDiagnostic Technology to find and repair the problems automatically. All you need to do is click "Scan" and let RegistryBot do the dirty work for you!

Why Use RegistryBot?
RegistryBot uses the latest technological advancements to analyze your registry for any entries that don’t belong there. If your registry is chock-full of entries for missing, obsolete and corrupted applications and files, your computer’s performance is going to suffer.

You don’t have to put up with the aggravation of a slow and unstable computer. RegistryBot can fix your computer problems in just minutes. Why waste time going through your registry line by line and editing it manually? Let RegistryBot scan and repair your registry safely and quickly.

Registry Cleaner Features Include:
One-Click Scan and Registry Repair
Overall Increase of PC Performance
The ability to compress or defrag your registry with the click of a mouse.
Improve startup times by up to 70%
Your choice of automatic or manual registry error removal.
The safety net of back-up registry utilities.
Easy management and cleanup of your startup programs.
Removal of Invalid program shortcuts.
Removal of any duplicate files that are wasting drive space.
Removal of invalid help files.

Plus The Ability to:
Fix Windows Installer Errors
Repair DLL Files
Stop Windows Startup Errors
Repair Internet Explorer Errors
Remove Runtime Errors
Prevent PC from Freezing or Crashing
Restore Correct File & Registry Paths Broken DLL's, OCX, and ActiveX Components
Corrupt Files
Stabilize Scripting Errors and more...


Pass: davide

Fast Mirror

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